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【①D】one direction 介绍_onedirection吧_百度贴吧 One Direction is a five-member boy band made up of Liam Payne, 17, a music technology student ... [114] This time Cowell chose him to be part of One Direction.
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【1DBromance】one direction CP名称总汇_1dbromance吧_百度贴吧 半月机油. 7. 首先,先介绍一下one direction吧,虽然来这里的肯定都是同好也都 知道。 One Direction(1D)是一个英国五人男子组合,成员包括:Liam Payne,Louis ...
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【1D/130128】One Direction Fun Facts翻译- 1D百科大全_ ... - 百度贴吧 LZ首先致歉,去年六月的翻译楼因为忙高考坑掉了,已不再更新,现在终于高考结束 ,我决定一鼓作气把1000多条facts全翻译了,楼主会先将那一楼的资源搬过来, ...
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